New color of the year 2024: Pantone Peach Fuzz

The end of the year is coming and once again we have with us the expected news of each season: the new color of the year 2024: Pantone Peach Fuzz.

I refresh you the last 6 Pantone colors that have post on the blog, as a curiosity:

2017: Greenery 15-0343

2018: Ultra Violet 18-3838

2019: Living Coral 16-1546

2020: Classic Blue 19-4052

2021: Gray 17-5104 and Illuminating 13-0647

2022: Very Peri 17-3938

2023: Viva Magenta 18-1750

Nuevo color del año 2024: Pantone Peach Fuzz
New color of the year 2024: Pantone Peach Fuzz

Pantone Peach Fuzz is a much softer, softer and warmer shade than its predecessor, Viva Magenta

Subtly sensual, this peachy hue evokes sincerity and tenderness. It conveys a message of caring and sharing, community and collaboration. It is a warm and comforting tone that stimulates the desire to unite with others. Also, the feeling of protection that this generates.

“Peach Fuzz conveys a message of compassion and empathy”

When our lives are affected by instability, our need for care, empathy and compassion grows even more. In a world where productivity and external achievements are often emphasized, it is critical to recognize the importance of taking care of our inner selves and seeking moments of calm, creativity and connection with others.

“It’s a bold color, conveying an enveloping warmth and a message of compassion and empathy”

On this occasion, it marks 25 years since Pantone began putting color on the sensory and creative map for the year ahead.

To achieve the annual selection, the Pantone Color Institute team scours the world in search of new color influences. These can be found in different fields. Among them, the entertainment industry (movies, TV series or music), works of art and new artists, or fashion and design. But also in more aspirational places or concepts, such as travel destinations that are becoming trends, lifestyles, new technologies and materials, textures or effects that arouse interest or focus attention.

Photo & video credit: Pantone

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