Co-marketing as a strategic business tool

This research article, entitled “Co-marketing as a strategic business tool” is part of the publications of the specialized magazine 3 Ciencias.

Collaboration and the establishment of alliances are actions that allow to obtain greater strength and achieve better and more satisfactory results. Co-marketing is a strategy that pursues a collaboration agreement between two or more brands, companies or institutions. Its objective is to develop a product or service that generates beneficial results for the different parties that make up the collaboration agreement.

Collaboration and the establishment of alliances are actions that have been developed since ancient times to obtain greater strength. Thanks to this union and to achieve better and more satisfactory results for, logically, both parties.

We are all aware that a trip is more fruitful, enriching and fun when we have the right travel companion. To be able to share the road to travel and discover new horizons that we would not have considered before is always fruitful. In the same way, we can extrapolate these words to the business environment. We have to assume and internalize that companies are not alone in the tangled commercial universe that pervades the global market in which we find ourselves.

The question is: Why don’t we look for our “better half” to develop a certain product or service that really touches the hearts of our customers? We are talking about co-marketing.

We understand co-marketing as the collaboration agreement between two or more brands, companies or institutions

The idea is to develop a product or service that generates beneficial results for the different parties that make up the collaboration agreement. The road is not made to be walked alone, so at any point along the way an ally must be sought to surprise, build customer loyalty and make them fall in love with something that breaks with everything that has been conceived so far.

Any co-marketing strategy must bring benefits for all the parties that form the alliance and generate added value that generates economies of scale. Each party should focus on developing what it does best to ensure that the collaboration has the best possible results.

Photo credit: 3C

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