Street marketing: triumphs unconventionality

This research article, entitled “Street marketing: triumphs unconventionality”, is part of the publications of the specialized magazine 3 Ciencias.

Advertising saturation, the emergence of new audiences and the development of technologies are three factors that have contributed to the need for marketing to evolve. In companies, strategies based on unconventional mechanisms are increasingly present, where ingenuity takes precedence over budget.

In this situation, guerrilla marketing appears, a tool that aims to attract the attention of the receiver and arouse their interest to finally convert them into consumers of the brand.

The following paper analyzes the characteristics of guerrilla marketing

It analyzes the importance and effectiveness it can provide for the organization’s business strategy. Advertising saturation is a very present fact in the consumer’s life. Such is the number of advertising impacts to which the citizen is subjected. Even these can receive a generalized rejection by this agent of society. Advertising blocks on television are full of pieces that, in most cases, present the same argumentative structure. They even become an accumulation of homogeneous, unidirectional spots that do not remain in the memory.

This, together with the bombardment strategies that are taking place in the general and conventional media (television, radio, press and/or outdoor) has provoked certain defense mechanisms on the part of the consumer. In these cases, there is an exclusion towards marketing in general. Zapping on television while there is advertising on a channel, not paying attention to the radio or passing by without looking at the content of a billboard, are just some examples of these mechanisms.

This saturation is defined by the high investments made by large companies in conventional advertising. There are high costs in audiovisual productions and advertising insertions in traditional media. Together with the emergence of new communication channels (Internet and Social Networks), traditional marketing becomes a heavy discipline that requires certain innovation techniques.

Street marketing: triumphs unconventionality

Conventional (also called traditional) marketing refers to advertising investment in mass media. This includes television, radio, press, cinema and outdoor. It is a source of investment for those companies (media and advertising agencies to a lesser extent) whose profit lies in the advertising insertion in a space.

Below the line marketing, on the other hand, is defined as that type of marketing where ingenuity is rewarded over a high budget. In traditional marketing it is practically indispensable to invest a lot of money. In below the line marketing, however, it is the company that decides how much resources and capital it wants to invest. Thus, a very flexible margin of action is identified from the point of view of the creativity of a campaign. In other words, the money saved with unconventional marketing is invested in time, imagination and energy.

Traditional marketing revolves around big business. Years ago, large companies invested millions of dollars in campaigns that targeted a broad audience. Today this is no longer the case: guerrilla marketing can be carried out by small businesses. Small companies that want to communicate the benefits of their brand with small budgets.

Photo credit: 3C

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