SEO techniques that work in 2023

Germán has a lot of experience in SEO. Today we have as a guest blogger Germán Barrientos, journalist and SEO consultant. His post is titled “SEO techniques that work in 2023”. Germán has 6 years of experience in the SEO/SEM sector. During this time he has worked in several agencies and large accounts with relevance both nationally and internationally.

I leave you with his post!

SEO techniques that work in 2023

In 2023, the world of digital marketing continues to evolve and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques are no exception. To keep up with the times and ensure success in ranking websites in search results, it is important to adapt to new trends and continue to apply SEO best practices.

Let’s take a look at 5 SEO techniques that will continue to work this year.

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1. Focus on user experience (UX)

Load speed optimization

One of the key factors in improving the user experience is optimizing page load speed. In 2023, users’ patience is shorter than ever, and fast loading speed is essential to keep them engaged. Be sure to compress images, remove unnecessary plugins and use caching to speed up the loading of your website.

Responsive design

Responsive design is crucial to provide an optimal user experience on any device. Make sure your website adapts correctly to different screen sizes and resolutions, as this is also a factor that influences search engine rankings.

Make navigation easy

The navigation of a website should be clear and intuitive so that users can easily find the information they are looking for. Use a structured and categorized menu, relevant internal links and an internal search engine to improve the user experience.

2. High quality and relevant content

Keyword research

Keyword research remains an essential SEO technique in 2023. Identify the most relevant keywords for your niche and create content that meets the needs and interests of your audience. Also, consider user intent when choosing keywords and be sure to answer their questions and concerns.

Creating original content

Original, high-quality content remains the cornerstone of SEO. Search engines reward websites that provide valuable and unique information to users. Therefore, it is critical to create content that stands out from the competition and is useful to your audience.

Optimizing content for featured snippets

Featured snippets are a great way to increase your website’s organic traffic in search results. Be sure to optimize your content for these snippets, including bulleted lists, tables and charts, and answering frequently asked questions in a clear and concise format.

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3. Technical SEO

Site architecture optimization

A well-structured website architecture is critical for search engines to crawl and index your content correctly. Be sure to use friendly URLs, proper title tags and meta descriptions, and maintain an up-to-date XML sitemap.

Implementing structured data

Structured data helps search engines better understand your website content and provide more relevant results to users. Implement markup on your site to provide additional information to search engines and improve the visibility of your content in rich search results, such as featured snippets and image carousels.

Improving site security

Site security is critical in 2023, as search engines, such as Google, prefer safe and secure websites. Be sure to use HTTPS and keep your plugins, themes and server software up to date to protect your website from attacks and vulnerabilities.

4. Quality link building

Creating shareable content

Creating quality and relevant content is not only important for attracting users, but also for generating inbound links. Shareable and valuable content, such as infographics, case studies and informative blog posts, will attract natural links from other websites and improve your link profile.

Digital PR and influencer outreach

Building relationships with influencers and thought leaders in your niche is a great way to get high-quality links and increase your website’s exposure. Collaborate with industry experts, participate in interviews and write guest posts to generate authority links and enhance your online reputation.

Participate in online communities

Actively participating in online communities, such as forums, Facebook groups and social networks, will allow you to share your knowledge, generate interest in your content and get quality links. Be sure to be helpful and authentic in your interactions, as this will also enhance your reputation and brand perception.

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5. Local SEO and optimization for mobile devices

Local search optimization

In 2023, local search remains critical for businesses serving a specific audience in a geographic region. Be sure to optimize your website and content for local keywords, include contact and address information on your site, and keep your Google My Business profile updated and optimized.

Responsive design and optimization for mobile devices

With the continued increase in the use of mobile devices, it is essential that your website is optimized for smartphones and tablets. Make sure your website uses responsive design and loads quickly on mobile devices to provide an optimal user experience and avoid search ranking penalties.

In summary, SEO techniques in 2023 focus on user experience, high-quality content, technical SEO, quality link building, and optimization for local search and mobile devices. Keep these trends in mind when implementing SEO strategies and you’ll be well positioned for success in the competitive world of digital marketing.

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