Tips to keep you creative (part 1)

Creative thinking is a fundamental skill for any professional. In this post and the next we will launch a series of tips to keep you creative (part 1). Let’s get to it.

Identify what to invest your time in

Once you’ve done that, work on it every day, no matter what. Be in control of your present to build the future.

Establish a daily routine

There is no perfect, generalized routine for creative work. Therefore, to achieve your own routine, you must take time to observe your days and your state of mind. Having your own routine is key.

Create lists of specific concepts

A list frees up space in your mind and clears it so you can use it for other actions.

Working with lists will help prioritize your tasks and free your mind from worries. In addition, keeping them in mind allows you to visualize what you want to achieve.

Disconnect from the world to connect with yourself

Set a specific place or time to connect with yourself each day. Use that time to think, practice your art and create something worth sharing with others. Accessing our inner self, is really valuable and very surprising on a creative level.

Wake up without news

We usually start our day picking up our cell phone and informing us of things and here comes the challenge I pose to you. Don’t pick it up, don’t read it, enjoy this space at the beginning of the day with you and your loved ones.

Have breakfast, stretch, walk, contemplate how the day dawns… you will see how everything changes.

Técnicas de creatividad del marketing lateral: combinación
Tips to keep you creative (part 1)

Creative is not a noun, it is a verb

Creativity is an attitude, a call to action, not just a mandatory label. Therefore, verbalizing rather than substantivizing the concept of creativity will bring you a lot.

Protect your valuables

We used to have hobbies. Now we have side activities. One of the easiest ways to hate something you love is to turn it into your job: take what keeps you alive spiritually and turn it into what keeps you alive literally. Protect your hobbies.

Ignore the numbers

Today, we live obsessed with metrics and measurements. Managing to keep this from controlling your performance will facilitate your energy and achievement.

Where there is no gift, there is no art

Choose who motivates you and what gives you wings. Only in this way you will be able to develop your gift, your know-how and you will have that true aura that can do anything.

You have everything you need

You don’t need to have an extraordinary life to do extraordinary work. Everything you need to do extraordinary things can be found in your everyday life.

The first step to transforming your life into art is to start paying more attention to everything around you.

In the next post we’ll look at more tips for staying creative.

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